Did you ever notice when television wants to convey a happy marriage, or a book wants to establish a loving couple, they send one off to work with a kiss from the other? There is a reason for the madness.
Do you kiss your hubby goodbye before work? I bet his day would go better if you did. Do you kiss your wife when you first come in from work? I bet she'd be happier to see you with your lips pressed to hers. What about at random on a Tuesday, because the mood strikes and their lips are just calling your name?
If you didn't answer yes to even one of my starting questions, I sincerely hope it is because at the moment you are enjoying your independence and are without a significant other. If you have a significant other and you aren't even keeping up with the work and bedtime kisses, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you have conflicting schedules.
I do, all of the above. I noticed the trend in media and gave it some thought. I realized I am fortunate enough to have four guaranteed kisses a day. I also gave some thought to the relationships around me and asked in the cases where I wasn't sure, but, sadly, not everyone is getting as lucky as I am. By lucky, I'm still just referring to kissing.
Growing up my parents were never excessive about P.D.A., but I always saw them kiss goodbye. If we were walking around the mall or a grocery store, Daddy's hand was always sure to find Mom's or vice versa. Now that I am adult and in my own committed relationship, I still take many cues from my parents. They set a great example as they enjoy the perks of being fifty plus, still holding hands and exchanging the quick kiss.
I have a hard time when I hear couples that have been together a long time say they are loosing the intimacy or that one or the other isn't as affectionate as they used to be. There are so many moments that are almost mandatory in my relationship that reaffirm the affection that my day seems to not go right without them. My husband and I typically kiss good morning, goodbye before work, hello when we see each other again after, and goodnight. This is outside of the random kisses that just come on a whim. Still, Benjamin, my husband, and I have been together just over six years, three in wedded bliss, and some things have just become second nature. He may not always open the car door for me, but he always waits to take my hand and walk with me. Even on our roughest days we can't part ways without a kiss goodbye or sleep without a kiss goodnight. We may not have been together as long as my parents, but I don't think they got where they are by neglecting the little things.
The point I want to make is this: Work all the standard pecks back into your relationship. Deeper kisses will follow. Women will always say that you can tell by the kiss, so grab your woman and kiss her often. Men are presumed to have a one track mind, so give him a piece of yours in a kiss next time words aren't cutting it.Next thing you know you'll be back to enjoying just making out as much as you did in high school, but with more finesse.
Glossed and minty fresh,
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