Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dinner is Ready

     I try to always have dinner ready when my husband gets home. I'm a student at the moment, and since we share one vehicle I tailor my schedule to my husband's needs. This usually means with some planning I can start cooking an hour or so before I expect him and serve something nice. He can walk in, give me my kiss, and be served or dig in when ready.
     I know a lot of couples now that don't do this. Many couples I know dine out, order in, or grab what they can independently. Dinner is rushed and prepackaged. If they do cook at home, it is semi-homemade at best. This is better, but still seems like not quite enough for someone you love.
     My husband is always very appreciative of what I make- even the not so great dishes. He likes that I take the time and use my own hands. Its reminiscent of a time gone by. I am not advocating a return to the cult of domesticity. My husband does the same for me if he has the day off and I have class or something keeps me out later than him. I am saying this investment of more of my time and energy encourages a different and deeper enjoyment of our meals and mealtime together.
     My challenge to you all is to make dinner for one another more often. See if you don't also more enjoy the mealtime together as well.

Baby Steps to a Merry Marriage,

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